I am working on few forms developed in Nintex and need to do some CRUD operations. Here is sample code for update item.
You need to provide reference of
jquery.SPServices-2014.01.NF.min.js file in your script file
function oData_SaveExitPendingHRO() {
//This line is used to get drop down value
var closedStatusID = oData_GetIDFromDdl(NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_ddlClosedStatus).val());
var closedStatus = oData_GetTextFromDdl(NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_ddlClosedStatus).val());
//This one is used to get textbox
var actionComments = '';
if (typeof(jsCtrl_txtActionComments) != "undefined" && closedStatus !=""){
actionComments = NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_txtActionComments).val();
//This one is used to get date field. Then we convert it our required format
var effectiveDate1 = NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_dtpEffectiveDate).val();
if (typeof(effectiveDate1) != "undefined" && effectiveDate1 != "empty") {effectiveDate1 = oData_ConvertToISOString(effectiveDate1);}
//This one is used to get people picker field.
var varHROSpecialist = NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_pickerHROSpecialist).val();
//This one is used to get id.
var itemID = NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_txtID).val();
var currentUserAccountName = NWF$('#' + jsCtrl_txtCurrentUserAccount).val();
// Special call to convert special character in html code
actionComments = encodeXMLSpecialChars(actionComments);
if (!oData_IsNullOrEmpty(itemID)) {
//Update Action Closure Section
operation: 'UpdateListItems',
async: false,
listName: 'ListName',
updates: '<Batch OnError="Continue">' +
'<Method ID="1" Cmd="Update">' +
'<Field Name="ID">' + itemID + '</Field>' +
'<Field Name="ClosedStatus">' + closedStatus + '</Field>' +
'<Field Name="ClosedStatusID">' + closedStatusID + '</Field>' +
'<Field Name="ActionComments">' + actionComments + '</Field>' +
'<Field Name="EffectiveDate">' + effectiveDate1 + '</Field>' +
'<Field Name="HROSpecialist">' + oData_ParsePeoplePickerValue(varHROSpecialist) + '</Field>' +
'</Method>' +
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
var lowerStatus = Status.toLowerCase();
if (lowerStatus != null && typeof (lowerStatus) != "undefined" && lowerStatus != "" && lowerStatus == "success") {
alert('Command success');
//Redirect after saving
document.location.href = oData_siteUrl,true;
else {
alert('Command failure');
} else {
alert('Error. Please contact the Administrator.');
function oData_ConvertToISOString(eDateValue) {
var isoDate = new Date(eDateValue);
if (eDateValue != null && typeof (eDateValue) != "undefined" && eDateValue != "") {
var day = isoDate.getDate();
var mm = isoDate.getMonth() + 1;
var yyyy = isoDate.getFullYear();
isoDate = yyyy.toString() + "-" + ("0" + mm).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0" + day).slice(-2) + "T09:00:00Z";
return isoDate;
function oData_ParsePeoplePickerValue(eValue) {
var pplValue = "";
if (!oData_IsNullOrEmpty(eValue)) {
pplValue = eValue.replace(";", "").replace("i:0#.w|", "-1;#");
} else {
pplValue = "";
return pplValue;
function encodeXMLSpecialChars(unsafe) {
if (unsafe == null || typeof (unsafe) == "undefined" || unsafe == "") {
unsafe = "";
return unsafe
.replace(/&/g, "&")
.replace(/</g, "<")
.replace(/>/g, ">")
.replace(/"/g, """);