Thursday, 12 December 2019

Employee Directory Webpart using Modern People Search SharePoint Online

One of our client wanted to show Employee Directory and our first suggestion was to build custom SPFx which will fetch data from Azure AD or Delve and we will add it on page. But the client wanted to use OOTB feature and ask us if we can get something out from people webpart.

And there we invented the Employee Directory using Modern Search. Follow below steps in case you want to implement on your end:

Prerequisite -
1. Install Script Editor webpart. you can download the code from here.

Follow below steps to set up Employee Directory Webpart:

Step 1 - Go to Modern SharePoint Site. Add embed webpart in your page. Type below URL in your

 <iframe id="peopleSearchFrame" src="Your Office 365 Site URL/_layouts/15/search.aspx/people" width="3000" height="6000" scrolling="no"></iframe>  

Step 2 - Add script editor webpart below the embed webpart.
Step 3 - Add below custom css / js to hide unwanted things.
 <script src=''></script>  
 var myTimerVar = setInterval(designSearch, 20);  
 function designSearch() {  
 $($("iframe")[0]).contents().find('#ms-searchux-serp h2').hide();  
  //CSS for search box and result  
 $($($("iframe")[0]).contents().find("#ms-searchux-serp div")[0]).css("padding","0 0 0 0px");  
 $($($("iframe")[0]).contents().find("#ms-searchux-serp div")[0]).css("border","0");  
 $($($("iframe")[0]).contents().find("#ms-searchux-serp div")[0]).css("padding","8px");  
 $($($("iframe")[0]).contents().find(".ms-searchux").parent('div')).css("padding","0 0 0 0px");  
 $("[data-automation-id=pageHeader]").find("[role=heading]").css("border-bottom","2px solid #454545");  
 $($('div[class="ControlZone"]')[0]).css('padding', '0');  
 $('div[class^="contentBox_"]').css('padding-bottom', '0');  

Step 4 - Once done, you will see output as follow:

Thursday, 7 November 2019

SharePoint Designer Error – Unexpected error on server associating the workflow

I was working on few 2010 reusable workflows in SharePoint Online and I was not able to publish them. I was receiving below error:

I searched for the google and was not able to find anything until I found the blog in reference below. It suggested to check in admin center that if I got any message saying that the service is going to update and it was there.

It stated that the service may be affected till 7th November 2019. In case you are facing same issue wait for the update complete.

Reference -


SPFx general code review points

Recently our client want to code review with Microsoft. We were not sure what can we implement in SPFx. Below were few suggestions after our code review:

1. Do not import * from name space

For this you need to make change in tsconfig.json file. Add compiler option - "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true. Then you will able to make below change

For example, import * as React from 'react'; should be import React from 'react';

2. Delete unused reference, variables and commented code.

3. Use escape for string property values in tsx

you need to load below name space
import { escape } from '@microsoft/sp-lodash-subset';

Then for sting values use it with escape.
For example, any string property when you use in tsx, instead using -  this.props.scopeType
use it like -  escape(this.props.scopeType);

4. Remove for loops where possible.

For example in below scenario, you can push the whole array instead looping through each item.
for (var j = 0; j < projectTask.length; j++) {
Can be done as

5. Use global varible for hardcoded values

For example, use variable to store site url and replace that with variable name
fetchUrl = "https:/'Projects')/items?$filter=" + filterQuery + "&$top=4999&$select=Title";

could be
var projectCenterURL = "";

fetchUrl = projectCenterURL+"/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('Projects')/items?$filter=" + filterQuery + "&$top=4999&$select=Title";

6. use console log for values instead alert
private _onItemInvoked(item: any): void {
    alert(`Item invoked: ${item.ID}`);

7. Move common methods to common file to improve code re-usability.

8. Use switch case instead of multiple if else statement

9. Enable public CDN and load CSS/ Js files from there.

10. You can make a single fetch api call in common and reuse it instead of writing code again:

fetch(URL, {
        method: 'GET',
        mode: 'cors',
        credentials: "include",     
        headers: new Headers({
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Accept': 'application/json',
            'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*',
            'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
            'pragma': 'no-cache',
    }).then(async(response) => await response.json())
    .then(async(data)=> {
       return data;

SharePoint Designer 2010 Error – Unexpected error on server associating the workflow

If you are experiencing this error try running this command.

For SharePoint 2010
Write-Host “Increasing Workflow parameter UserDefinedWorkflowMaximumComplexity…”
$app = get-spwebapplication http://SharePointWebSiteXXX
$app.UserDefinedWorkflowMaximumComplexity = 20000
Adding SharePoint 2010 PoweShell cmdlets to your PowerShell ISE
cd ‘C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\CONFIG\POWERSHELL\Registration’.\SharePoint.ps1

Friday, 1 November 2019

Access _spPageContextInfo details in SharePoint Framework

If you are into SharePoint development, then you should be familiar with your best friend _spPageContextInfo which gives you more valuable context-based information. In classic SharePoint Pages, you can access it directly like below:
  1. //This is how you access page context  
  2. _spPageContextInfo.  
  4. // retrieve site url  
  5. _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl  
You can also access the same now from SharePoint Framework too.
  1. // This is how you can access the page context info  
  2. this.context.pageContext.legacyPageContext;  
  4. // Retreive current user display name  
  5. this.context.pageContext.legacyPageContext[‘userDisplayName’]);  
  7. // Even site classification  
  8. this.context.pageContext.legacyPageContext[‘siteClassification’]);  
Below is the complete list of object’s properties which sample values,
  1. CorrelationId : "b215479e-f056-5000-11a1-ec000000000010"  
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Reference -