Thursday, 21 June 2018

SharePoint List useful details

Recently get change to go back to development and done some basic level of errors. So here is my knowledge for list level that I want to share:

I have a library with internal name "LiteracyResources" and the display name was updated to "Literacy Resources" (a space between two words). I need to bind documents to a grid and click on name I need to download it. Simple requirement.

The issue I face was when I try to get list I need to use name with space. And If I want to get any file url for download, I need to create it and that should use internal name of the list. Otherwise your download url won't work.

So to get internal name of list, I use "list.RootFolder.Name".

below is the code that I use for this:


SPList resourcelist = null;

 using (SPSite siteCol = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Site.Url))
                    SPWeb web = siteCol.RootWeb;
                        SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList(Constants.LibNameLiteracy); // Here we need to //use library name with space 
                        SPListItemCollection items = list.GetItems();
                        if (items.Count > 0)
                            dt = items.GetDataTable();
                            dt.Columns.Add(Constants.ColNameDocURL, typeof(string));
                            for (int itemcount = 0; itemcount < dt.Rows.Count; itemcount++)
                                if (web.Url.EndsWith("/"))
{ // here we use internal name 
                                    dt.Rows[itemcount][Constants.ColNameDocURL] = web.Url + list.RootFolder.Name + "/" + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[itemcount][Constants.ColNameFileLeafRef]);
                                else {
                                    dt.Rows[itemcount][Constants.ColNameDocURL] = web.Url + "/" + list.RootFolder.Name + "/" + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[itemcount][Constants.ColNameFileLeafRef]);

                allYearsGrid.DataSource = dt;