I want to create SharePoint 2013 workflow in SharePoint Designer. But it is not showing SharePoint 2013 workflow option. So we need to first setup workflow manager.
There is no direct download to the Workflow manager and required components that need to Install and Configure Workflow Manager 1.o with SharePoint 2013.
If the server have Internet connection “Web Platform Installer” does the job for you. This is good for quick setup of development environment but what if we want to setup on a server that don’t have internet connection. Also for consistent builds (Dev/QA/production) we need to download and install the same software across all the environments.
Below steps provide how to download the required Workflow Manager 1.0 components.
Here is the instructions from Microsoft link :
(Note: Please do not confuse with the below Microsoft link to download Workflow manager 1.0, again this is not full version).
Step 1: Log on to the machine where you have internet connection and down load the web platform installer “WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi” from here
Step 2: Extract the files from “WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi” to a folder. There are different ways to extract files from msi. below is the example using msiexec utilty.
Open Command prompt or powershell run as administrator and enter the below command:
msiexec /a <msi location with folder path> /qb TARETDIR = <folder location where the files needs to be extracted>
msiexec /a C:\SharePoint\SP2013\Tools\WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi /qb TARGETDIR=C:\
It will extract the folder structure as below.
Required “WebpiCmd.exe” available under <above target location>/Microsoft/Web Platform Installer
Step 3: Download Workflow Manager components using WebpiCmd.exe
In the command prompt or powershell
webpicmd.exe /offline /Products:WorkflowManager /Path:<folder directory to download>
Lets Install and configure workflow manager with SharePoint Server 2013…
Step1: The Workflow Components are downloaded as below folder structure..
Step 2: Run the below command to invoke the Workflow Manager Configuration Manager screen..
WebpiCmd.exe /Install /Products:WorkflowManager
/XML:<directory of workflow manager downloads>
Eg: below..
Step 3: Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard screen starts...
Step 4: Click on Configure Workflow Manager with
Default settings (Recommended). New Farm Configuration wizard opens and
enter the required fields. (Here I am talking about minimum required
fields for configuration, there are advanced option parameters for setup
a production farm)
SQL Server Instance: i.e The Database server for the Workflow Manager databases
Configure Service account: a dedicated domain service account for work flow manager
Certificate Generation Key: similar to Passphrase
in SharePoint a password for securing the workflow manager farm. this is
required when workflow manager farm extended..
Step 5: On clicking Right arrow bottom of the screen, configuration starts
Step 6: Upon successful installation all the check marks are passed with green
Step 7: Workflow manager is setups a IIS web site on
the box hosting on port 12290 (for ssl) and 12291 for http (non ssl).
you can add host url for the ports that are of interest in configuration
such as workflowmanager (This way we can avoid using the server FQDN
name while configure with SharePoint site collection)
you can verify the workflow manager Installation by accessing
http://localhost:12291 or
http://<host url>:12291 (if host url configured). XML file with configuration detail opens..
Step 8: Now run the below SharePoint PowerShell command to configure the workflow manager with a SharePoint 2013 site collection
Register-SPWorkflowService –SPSite “http://myserver/mysitecollection”
–WorkflowHostUri “”
Step 9: Verify the Workflow Manager configured successfully with the site collection by using SharePoint Designer 2013